Business Analysis
In every software development life-cycle there are points of importance and one of them is the business analysis that shows the clear requirements of your specific business. Through deducting the results and definitions of a specific project or business we can give you an estimate of what investments are necessary to complete a software development project. Web Fashion can provide you with close dissection of the needs of your business and transform them into a solution you can be proud of.
Requirements Definition & SRS
System Requirements Specifications (SRS) is formal documentation of system requirements. SRS includes functional and non-functional requirement definition, detailed descriptions of possible use-case scenarios, screens, algorithms, rules, etc. SRS helps identifying potential risks and reduce development costs significantly.
UI Mockups & Wireframing
With web and mobile application development, it is always useful and wise to use interface prototyping as a way to create the best solution. At Web Fashion we are using mockups and wireframes, that are useful for communicating and sharing ideas with the clients, as well as receiving feedback and correct or rearrange them if necessary. We often provide our clients with clickable wireframe, so they can check out and test the solution's critical features.